Thursday, March 19, 2009

Our little girl's growing up!
So about a month ago Marissa began to express how she doesn't like her room color anymore (who can blame her really, it was a Pepto Bismol pink). It was fine when she was five, but she'd outgrown it.

So the slow room transformation began with Marissa 1st seeing and liking a comforter set when we were at Bed Bath and Beyond. Then just this past week, I went back, bought it for her, brought the pillow sham to Home Depot and matched a paint color.

Marissa was interested in having a couple of colors on her wall. Thankfully, before I did anything with paint, I found these circular removable wall stickers online and cut some of them into smaller circles and rings. Much easier than paint, that's for sure!

So now AJ wants to take a trip with me to Bed Bath and Beyond...